Thursday, July 31, 2014

This Makes That All Worth It.

Flying to San Francisco tomorrow with an A boarding pass.

A great Thai lunch and discovering Thai tea.

Riding bikes yesterday #sofreeing.

Being married to a man I can pluck my chin hair in front of.

My favorite month of the year starts TOMORROW! Hello birthday month. This is the month I get things turned around and back on track.

Passing my driving test yesterday. Yeah biatches.

A long weekend.

A mani/pedi tonight.

Striping down to my undies last night and jumping into the pool out of the blue.

Waking up today and feeling like everything was going to be ok for the first time in a week, maybe longer.

Meeting Mariah in person next Friday!

This makes all of that worth it. What keeps you going? 


  1. So glad you passed that test!! Yeah for mani/pedi's. Love 'em. You enjoy it and I'm glad things are looking up for you. Sometimes it just takes time.

  2. Aw super jealous of you and Mariah meeting! I expect a full recap from both of you ;)

    And I am dying for good Thai but I have had so much rice this week that it will have to wait a little longer. Glad things are going good for you!

  3. I'm so excited about next week!! I hope you have a fantastic trip to SF...can't wait to hear all about it. You will have to share this good Thai place, I love Thai. @Lauren you will get a full report :)

  4. Eeeks, blogger meeting IRL, super exciting!!!! I'm jealous too, and I expect a report with pictures!
    So happy for you passing your driving test, that's great news. And yay for spontaneous night swims!

  5. Hurrah for passing the driving test, the Mariah meeting, and underwear swimming.

    BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
