I’m going to be real honest. Unless I have a beach vacation on the horizon the chances of me going to the gym and hitting the treadmill are slim to none. I know staying fit is important though, so for the nine months out of the year that I’m not prepping my bikini body, I’m searching for way to keep myself moving. Here are a few of my go to's.
Get out and get walking. During the work week I spend the majority of my day sitting behind a desk staring at a computer screen. Not good for my mind or my body so I make every effort to get up and get moving. We’re all entitled to breaks right? Each morning and again in the afternoon I get out with a co-worker and take a fifteen minute walk. Not only does it get my blood pumping but it’s a great way to break up the work day.
Take a hike. The company I work for has a hiking club that meets a few times a month. Despite my incredible clumsiness I decided to get out there and join them a few weekends back. Man what an exhilarating way to get a workout in. The hike was over 7 miles, but with views like this who's counting. Not bad huh?
Crunch your abs, not your chips. Well crunch your chips too! Instead of blowing through commercials on Tivo I spend the 3-4 minutes doing crunches. By the time you really start to feel the burn you’re back to watching The Real Housewives.
Wash your car. Every time I get out and wash my car I work up a sweat. Good for me and the car.
Go to a class. I personally do a lot better when I have somewhere to be and it doesn’t hurt that there are other people working out with me. There is power in numbers! A few times a month, I attend a beginner yoga class at a local studio. I was a bit intimidated to go at first because I had never practiced yoga, and I was going it alone, but yogi’s are so welcoming and the practice of yoga is so good for you.
Tend to your yard. I’m not talking about mowing the lawn. We’ll leave that to the boys. Every little thing counts though so get out there and rake the leaves or water your flowers.
If all else fails, buy some cute workout clothes. After the beach vacation this is single handedly the only thing that can really get me motivated. Here are a few of my all time favorites and a couple of pieces I wouldn't mind adding to my wardrobe.

For those of us not afraid to stop traffic. These have been my favorites for months now.
They call these "Live In Leggings" for a reason ladies!
What do you do to stay fit? I’d love to hear how you stay active. Big or small every little thing counts.
Bee Happy!
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