I shave my legs once a week, maybe.
I drive a brand new Lexus, but my 5 year old sheets have a hole in them.
Aunt flow is late. Like weeks late, so after stressing for days and wondering if I was pregnant, I finally cracked and took a pregnancy test. It came back negative, thank god! I'm mean I'm too old for this shit. My little scare has however without a doubt confirmed my desire to NEVER have children. We'll be beefing up to security big time.
I don't have a bank of blog posts so this ship could go down at anytime.
I don't love my Clairsonic.
I've owned my Kitchen Aid stand mixer for 6 years now and have used it once to make instant pudding. For years I kept in on my kitchen counter because I thought it was a status symbol (ridiculous right?). Now I keep it stored away in a cupboard somewhere waiting for the day I magically become Susie homemaker, so basically when hell freezes over. I could give it to someone I know would enjoy it, but I keep it because that's the kind of greedy person I am. Please tell me I'm not alone here???
I saw this really cool OC Bloggers Brunch posted on The Nectar Collective earlier this week. My first thought was to register and go meet some new friends! So why haven't I...fear. Fear that I go and nobody talks to me because "they" all already know each other and they don't have room for me in their already full lives. Or that "they" do talk to me and quickly realize that they don't like me.
Don't judge and by all means feel free to unload, it really does feel so good. Hugs friends.

I don't go nuts for my clarisonic either--I thought I was doing something wrong! Thank you. Also the scenario presented in #3 sounds terrifying, but strangely reassuring (especially to me, who probably would have had the exact same reaction:).
ReplyDeleteJenn, I'm with you. Everyone seems to rave about their Clarisonics, I just don't get it. I expected miracles and NOTHING. Thank you so much for your comment today. It seriously leaves me overjoyed hearing from you all. XO I
DeleteOMG I just laughed so hard. I love your honesty! Don't tell anyone but with this winter storm business, the leg shaving just isn't really happening in my neck of the woods either (sorry hubby). That's a shame about your Clarisonic - I'm on the bandwagon on this one and love it. My kitchenaid gets used like maybe quarterly? LOL it has so much dust on it at the moment I'm embarrassed BUT you better believe I'll take that thing to my grave before I give it away!
ReplyDeleteWinter, I'm talking year round over here! I swear when it comes to certain things I'm the laziest person in the world. So I have to ask, how many times a week are you using your Clarisonic? I swear I feel like I must be doing something wrong. Anyways, Tiffany I just wanted to say thank you for your comment today. It means so much to me :).
Delete#3 Happened to me this month as well too and I also FREAKED out...until I did some researching. It turns out that switching from day shift to night shift (what I did in Dec) can flip your internal clock and mess with your period. Who knew? But thank goodness!!!! Glad yours was just a scare too.:)
ReplyDeleteTell me about it Mollie. Talk about taking a few years off my life. So glad your scare turned out the way you wanted it too. I think mine must be stress related. Our bodies pick up on these things you know, change of schedule, change of mood. Hope you're having a sweet day friend.
DeleteI didn't even know what a Clarisonic was, so I googled it. Needless to say I don't own it or ever will - I use goold old Aveeno foaming cleanser and call it a day. There are no stored blog posts in my life either - I'm in awe of people who plan everything. I simply can't.
ReplyDeleteSign up for the blogger brunch, do it!! If I wouldn't live 2200km away I totally would go with you.
From what I've heard about these things, everybody always seems to like them and says how nice they all are.
I have not been to anything blog-related, mostly because there is nothing happening around here (that I know of) but also because I would be super scared.
There's something to be said for simplicity Miriam! My grandma has the clearest softest skin ever and all she uses to wash with is ZEST. Crazy right??? I put my big girl pants on and registered for the Blogger Brunch. This is not to say that I wont' be having anxiety for the next twenty something days leading up to it, but hey, I'm doing it. You should start something up if there's nothing in your neck of the woods. The San Diego blogger community isn't that strong either (strange to me) so I may try to initiate a meet up or something down the road. In the meantime I'll put my butt in the car for the hour and a half drive and go be a part of a community of bloggers I think seems to be thriving.
DeleteAnyways, thanks so much for stopping by today. Talk to you soon. XO
This was probably my favorite confessions post of all time... you had me at you only shave your legs once a week. :)
ReplyDeleteYou've got to be kidding me!!! That's pretty much the best praise Amanda. Especially coming from you. Thank you sooooo much. Hope you're having a great day. XO
DeleteGo to the brunch! Worst case scenario, you eat some good food :)
ReplyDeleteKate! I did it. I put my big girl pant on and I registered. Of course this means I broke the January Spending Freeze AGAIN. Ugh, I have issues. We can dock this one up as a necessity though right :) Thanks so much for the push. XO
DeleteWe have a kitchen aid mixer. Well, technically it came with my husband into the relationship. I have not used it one either and I'm totally okay with that. I love my Clarisonic!!
ReplyDeleteCeco, how many times a week are you using your Clarisonic? I swear I've got to be doing something wrong! Hope your days going well and thank you soooo much for stoppy by to say hi.
DeleteLOL Beefing up security. I had a scare and it was literally the only thing I could think about for a week. I would triple barricade after weeks of stress!! My Kitchenaid has been used approximately once. But it's red, so it makes for pretty decor. Really expensive decor at that.
ReplyDeleteLol, expensive decor is right. We're so vein aren't we. Oh well, such is life. I'm so sorry you had to live through a scare too. God, what a terrible thing it is to be a woman sometimes. What do you think of this rain we're having right now??? I guess this is San Diego's polar vortex :)
Deletethis is a GREAT post... wow! im usually shaving my legs 1x a week too but i started swimming at the gym...sooo yeah, i really think in a public place i need to!
ReplyDeleteyour blurb about the mixer = FANTASTIC. i feel the EXACT same way as you - i don't own one. Although I wanted one really bad and I said to myself, i'm never going to use it and it will be hidden away- such a waste!!! i hope you will use it one day though, i do hear they are great :)
what dont you like about the clarisonic? i've been wanting to try it!
Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by and I'm so glad you enjoyed todays post. I think you're right about need to shave if you're fully exposed in a swin suit in public. I'd have to make that happen too, lol. As for the Clarisonic, I just don't get it. I don't see any results after a month. My skin is no clearer. It's actually a little more irritated. People rave about them and I had high expectations, but so far it's been just blah. I'll keep at it for another few months and then it will probably make it's way into the cupboard with my mixer. Ha!
DeleteHave a great day. XO
Love your confessions! I am also not crazy about my Clarisonic! Glad I'm not the only one. What do you note like about yours?
Hey A. Thanks so much. I'm really loving these confession posts too. You should give it a whirl sometime :)
DeleteAs for the Clarisonic, I just don't get it. I don't see any results after a month of regular use. My skin is no clearer. It's actually a little more irritated. Maybe I'm using it too much (once a day). People rave about them so I feel like I must be doing something wrong because so far it's just blah. I'll keep at it for another few months and then it will probably make it's way into the cupboard with my mixer. Ha!
Shaving in winter is overrated!
ReplyDeleteShaving year round is overrated :) That and I'm pretty much the laziest person on the planet when it comes to stuff like grooming, ha. It's all I can do to shower and brush my teeth daily.
DeleteI kind of think Kitchenaid mixers are a status symbol. But then again...I don't own one. And I think it would take up too much room to be that useful to me anyways. :P
ReplyDeleteLove these posts!! I struggle every day before I have to post to get one together :) We actually use our kitchen aid all the time...I'm surprised how much we have ended up using it. I actually think we might use the food processor more (both items I was worried about how much we might actually use when purchased). Yay on the brunch...so proud of you!!!
ReplyDeleteShannon you kill me! I'm so glad you done another one of these and so soon. Shaving legs - it seems we're all in agreement here that it is soo over-rated and only necessary on occasion haha.
ReplyDeleteAunt flow likes to scare the crap out of us doesn't she - she has some nerve ha. It probably is stress-related with you saying in your last post how hectic work is atm! Then when it's veryyy late you stress even more right? It's the worst feeling ever!
I'm so glad you decided to go to the brunch they will LOVE you! And can't wait to hear all about it. There's nothing like that at all in probably a 1000 mile radius here. I don't even think they know what a blog is? Is that rude to say? Very isolated here and limited internet access - in our last house there weren't even any lines under the house! It drove me crazy.
Maybe these posts should be a weekly thing ;)
Take care lovely,
Never get fooled by Aunt flow! My aunt told EACH & EVERYONE that she thinks she's expecting but Aunt flow fooled her!
ReplyDeleteit's winter! im basically chewbacca from the waist down.
Vodka and Soda