This weekend was costume crunch time for me. Halloween in my office is HUGE. If you're not dressed up, you definitely stand out, and not in a good way. Most departments pick a theme, dress up, decorate and put on a skit for prizes like a half day off work or lunch out on the company. For the most part costumes are pretty work appropriate, but just like there's always someone at the Christmas party who's managed to drink too much, there's always a few......ummm, how should I say this??? Well for lack of a better word, SLUTTY costumes. I'm sure you know what I mean. It's kind of this running joke that Halloween is the one time a year a girl can get dressed up all slutty and not be judged for it.
In the hopes of keeping it classy in the work place I thought it would be fun to roundup some costumes for both work and play...from 8:00 to 5:00 remember these 5 simple the clock anything goes.
1. No midriffs.
2. Keep the girls under wrap.s
3. Stay away from body suits.
4. Just say no to off the shoulder and strapless ensembles.
5. Keep your dresses no more than 6 inches above your knee
This was my costume last year, only I swapped the fishnets for my favorite Zella capri leggings. I loved how comfortable this costume was and that the neckline kept the girls under wraps. I received compliments all day long and the trick-or-treaters loved getting candy from Minnie.
If I didn't already have a costume picked out for this year, I'd totally be buying this pirate costume. I love everything about it, especially the blue jacket.
I'm about as patriotic as they come and there's something pretty darn cute about this completely covered up officers costume. I'm in love.

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