Three Gratitude's:
1. I am grateful to be living in San Diego. We've come and gone and I know we won't always be here so I really try to enjoy all that this great city has to offer.
2. I am grateful to have finally found a few friends that I really connect with and that I can be myself around. There was a period of time where I ended several long relationships. At that point in time it felt like I would never find friends as an adult. Over time I have and I cherish those relationships.
3. I am grateful for the amazing fluffy clouded blue sky day we are having.
Today's Journal:
This part of the challenge feels like pulling teeth today. Yesterday I woke up and BOOM, it was right there in the forefront of my mind. Today I'm fishing and it feels fake. My day was perfectly fine it's just that nothing in particular is standing out as exceptional or sharable.
I've started to write about at least a half a dozen different experiences but none of them feel real so I'm going to leave it at that for today and hope that tomorrow's journal entry goes a bit better.
At lunch I took a 30 minute spin class. I had planned to follow it up with a 30 minute ultimate upper body class, but my body is still very sore from Tuesday's workout so instead I sat around and stretched.
I kept with my goal and meditated twice during the day. The first time was a short ten minute sesh right before I went to the gym. The second was much longer and was done at home on the comfort of my couch. Still looking for some good guided meditations if you guys know of any?
Random Acts of Kindness:
I went back to Bottega Americano again today to pick up lunch and grabbed a few of these little cuties (chocolate covered strawberries). I delivered two of them to some un-expecting folks. One went to Sandra from my favorite coffee shop. I of course saved one to enjoy for myself!
Wishing you all a beautiful day.

I like Stop, Breathe, & Think app for guided meditations, my new phone isn't compatible. I am now using Buddhify, I don't like it as well but I do like that the guided meditations can be done while doing other things like surfing the net or waiting for the bus.
ReplyDeleteGetting an unexpected chocolate covered strawberry would have to rocket anyone's day into the A+ category for sure.