Three Gratitude's:
1. I am grateful for a text I received from someone special letting me know that they're on their way back to a place that reminds them of me and a meaningful conversation we had. A conversation that they'll never forget. Melt my heart why don't you.
2. I am grateful for the quiet time I spent at home (see today's journal entry for more).
3. I am grateful for my upcoming trip to Portland with Yoli. These trips mean so much to me. Last year we visited San Francisco! You can read all about it here. If you guys have any Portland recommendations I'd love to hear them?
Today's Journal:
Things are quiet in the house. I can hear the wind blow a few leaves off the magnolia tree in the front yard. It sounds magical. The birds are singing a lovely song. It's not their usual frantic squawking. Things are peaceful. The absence of sound in the house is a pleasant change. Even my mind is quiet. I am alone with myself for the first time in a long time.
Swimming in the pool and a walk at the beach. You know it's a good day when your bathing suit acts as your bra and underwear!
Another 30 minutes of guided meditation. Once in the morning and then again later in the afternoon.
Random Acts of Kindness:
I put a few bits and pieces in the mail to some unsuspecting friends and family. I always love getting snail mail but I never take the time to send any myself.. It's nice to handwrite a few notes to some special people letting them know I'm thinking of them.
I hope you're all having a wonderful Sunday morning. I'll see you again tomorrow for day 6 of 21! XO

I really love being home alone in a quiet house. Such peace inside and out. I had that yesterday and it was wonderful!