Three Gratitude's:
1. I am grateful that I was able to turn a negative into a positive. I was super excited to go to yoga yesterday only my mat was nowhere to be found. Definitely a bummer because I am in serious need of a good gym workout. I made the best of it though and had lunch with D instead. He's working downtown this week so lunch together was a super nice treat.
2. I'm grateful for air-conditioning. It's been nasty here. One minute it's sunny and blazing, the next it's gray and raining. The humidity is disgusting and air-conditioning is making it tolerable.
3. I'm grateful there's a Nordstrom within biking/walking distance of my office. I am also grateful for Nordstroms' return policy. I was wearing a newer pair of jeans (like maybe I've worn them 3 times) yesterday and bam, the button popped off. A five minute bike ride later and I'm wearing a new pair of pants no questions asked. It could have been a very uncomfortable day :)
Today's Journal:
The line is long and it's hot in here. Dar grabs us a table while I make my way up to the counter to place our order. The person taking my order asks if we want to share a fry to save some money. I giggle for a second and then nicely reply that I don't share fries. Ten maybe fifteen minutes later our food arrives and there's only one fry. The long wait, the heat, the missing fries, they don't bother me. I don't want to attack the waiter like I normally would. I'm having lunch with my love and all is good.
Negative, see number one from my gratitude list. Tomorrow is the day! No excuses.
I meditating like a boss. In fact, I'm enjoying it so much I'm choosing it over tv. Morning and night I look forward to these sessions. Yesterday I meditated for over an hour.
Random Acts of Kindness:
I bought one of the girls that works for me coffee. I offered to buy her breakfast too but she declined.
That's it for today. I sure hope your weeks are off to a great start. Thanks so much for reading.

I've been reading so much about meditation and the satisfaction people are getting from it. I'm so glad you have hit your stride there.